my writing
Welcome to my recent writing! Most of these articles I have written since 2020. During quarantine, I really wanted to be able to contribute to conversations about our industry's rebuild, and I felt the strongest voice I had was in writing. On this page you'll find links to recent essays which give light to issues in our arts industry that are not often openly discussed. I would love your feedback!

An article tracing my journey from my first residency at the Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté à Belfort, France, to my search for an artistic “home” in my own country
A call for a radical revisioning of the ways we currently fund dance artists. "We are greater than a single work of art."

When will colleges truly value the working artists that teach their students?
An essay reflecting on the ways I have embraced and radically revised the ghosts of my history of dancing in the Merce Cunnningham Dance Company