Community Engagement Practice
Kimberly's Community Engagement Practice has been shared with a diverse variety of communities worldwide.
Originally designed to experientially introduce the public/participant/audience member to the process of creating I hunger for you, the Practice has expanded dramatically beyond audience engagement and has allowed participants of all ages, belief systems and abilities to reflect on themes of faith, violence, life force, and compassion.
The practice involves physical and imagistic exercises that open the body to sensory experience, encouraging an encounter with and connection to one’s body, history, memories, each other, the palpability of time passing, and the immediacy of being alive. These practices are responsive to who is in the room. Any age, race, gender, or ability can be accommodated.
Kimberly has developed a Community Workshop around her most recent project – The Encounter.
Currently, these are being conducted in project's host communities, and will continue to expand to partner locations across the United States and internationally.
For more information on hosting a workshop in your community, please reach out to us.
“I felt changed after the workshop. All of my worries and cares left my body and this inexplicable confidence and sense of euphoria conquered my soul. It left me defenseless against my ambitions and dreams. I felt like I unlocked a new ability, but I don’t know what that is yet.
It was an absolutely incredible and absolutely unbelievable out-of-body experience.”
Aidan, The Encounter Workshop Participant, October 2022

Community Engagement Fund supported by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance project, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Photos from Marble House Residency and LUMBERYARD by Alon Koppel. Photos and video at The Encounter Community Workshop courtesy French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF).